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The Second Exercise: The Fourth Side



The purpose of this exercise is to discover and test ways of creating the imagined fourth side of the playing space, one that is logical to it even as it embraces the audience area. This will ultimately help the actor to feel comfortable on stage, embracing the audience while maintaining the reality of the environment.



Use a telephone call as the premise for your two-minute exercise. After settling on the nature of the phone call, be sure to include all aspects of a basic exercise: time, place, circumstances, objectives and obstacles. Whether you are discovered at the phone in the beginning of the exercise, or decide to make a call after entering, or receive a call while otherwise occupied is unimportant. Make certain that the balance of the exercise concerns itself with a phone call. During the phone call, engage in the fourth side.


Keep in mind:

• Rehearse the call; don't improvise it. While you shouldn't write out the dialogue, you must know exactly to whom and about what you are speaking, as well as the content of what is being said to you.

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