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Rear Window and Vertigo Viewer's Response


1. In each film what film and story telling techniques does Alfred Hitchcock use as a director? How does he create tension? How does he build suspense? Remember to give specific examples to support your point of view.


2. How does Hitchcock play with the audiences' allegiances? In each film do you change who you root for? Why? When?


3. We have discussed the use of the theme of watching. Given the fact that we experience the film as a viewer, through the cameras voyeuristic lens, what is your understanding of Hitchcock's statement about movie making/watching?


4. Are you comfortable with Judy's make over into Madeline? Do you want Judy to look as much like Madeline as Scottie does?


5. There are many references to romantic delusion, from Midge's parody painting of Carlotta to the make over of Judy. What is Hitchcock saying about romantic delusion? Is he saying that romantic delusion is a universal experience?


6. The films end very differently. Rear Window ends with Jeff in two casts with his back to the window. Lisa is reading Beyond the High Himalays,  but puts it down for a Harper's Bazaar. Miss Lonely Hearts gets a date... What is the future for these main characters?


7. Vertigo ends very ambiguously. What could potentially happen to Scottie?


8. In Vertigo, color plays an important role in the cinematography. What do each of the vivid colors mean? What connections can you make about the role of color in the storytelling? **


**Question created by Ian MacCarn



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