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Archetype Exercise


The Scholar

You have quite a lot of expertise in the subject at hand. Not through experience, but through painfully careful study. You may even have a relevant degree or two. take every opportunity to cite published sources and well-known experts, and generally assert your intelligence.

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The Braggart

You’ve TOTALLY handled the situations like this before. You've done it a million times and know all about it. You have just about all the answers. Your willingness and ability to agree with (or listen to) a person is directly related to how their idea or expertise (or lack thereof) jives with your vast prior experience.

The Casanova (1)

You need everyone to be completely seduced by you, and you need them to know just how handsome/beautiful, strong and/or sexy you really are. Take every opportunity to court the ladies and/or the gentlemen. Offer to lift heavy objects, and dispel any tension in the room with your natural charm.

The Casanova (2)

Love (lust?) makes the world go round, yes? You're terribly devoted to this meeting and the goal at hand. But you're also terribly devoted to one particular person in the group. You really want then to have dinner with you tonight. Maybe a few drinks. Take every opportunity to seduce, flirt with, and tempt this person during this meeting. get a little closer, don't be shy...

 The Organizer
The Wise Leader

You need everyone to stay on task, because a job well-done is of utmost importance to you. You also need this meeting to stay as organized as possible. (Its possible you're mildly obsessive-compulsive.) Take every opportunity to organize (and possibly reorganize) objects, ideas, and people as the moment requires.

You need everyone to recognize you subtle- but undeniable- leadership abilities. But you never mention them directly. you simply take every opportunity to dispel tension, inspire compromise, and keep everyone absolutely on topic.

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The Caregiver

You need to be assured that everyone is okay at every possible moment. take every opportunity to check in with anyone and everyone who might feel slighted, in conflict, frustrated, in pain, or who just seems generally uncomfortable. And note: everyone’s comfort, to you, is MUCH more important than accomplishing the task at hand.

The Naysayer

You strongly disapprove of the way things are being handled. You don't have a better idea or proposal- yet- but the holes in current logic and proceedings are painfully clear to you. It’s important to you that everyone register and acknowledge your dissent.

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The Cheerleader

It’s important to you that everyone feel GREAT about themselves, and about the progress that’s being made. Take every possible opportunity to encourage, validate, and approve of everything and everyone.

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The Clown

Okay, this meeting is super-important to you, but more important is to make sure everyone's laughing and having a great time. “If it’s not fun, why do it,” right? there seems to be a lot of ‘serious’ happening at this meeting, so it’s up to you: take every opportunity to make jokes, tease, and distract others from the (supposedly) serious matter at hand. Also, you’re very hungry. Is anybody else hungry? You're very hungry.

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The Trickster / The Benevolent Destroyer
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The Mediator

You take great delight in upending most social situations, particularly ones where group planning is concerned. It’s not that you don’t care about the agenda, it’s that you can see, with painful clarity, that it’s just not as important as everyone else seems to think it is. Take every opportunity to sabotage the meeting: play little tricks on the person next to you, create physical distractions in the room, propose ridiculous solutions to problems. It’s for their own good - you’re just trying to lighten the mood.

You’re a great communicator. You have a distinct ability to see/hear the miscommunications that happen between other people. And you have a great need to fix these miscommunications when they occur. Take every opportunity  to clarify people’s statements for them, identify (out loud) what people need, and ensure that the group dynamic is staying healthy. NOTE: For you, the health of the group is more important than the job at hand. You may have to be proactive about it. Don’t hesitate to bring proceedings to a halt if the group (or people in it) need a “time out.”

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The Banker (1)

You are very frugal, and you have a great need for fiscal responsibility. And it seems that no one in this meeting is taking financial concerns seriously. So it’s up to you. Take every opportunity to point out the financial benefits or drawbacks of each idea, question every potential cost down to the penny, and propose every cost saving idea you can think of. 

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The Banker (2)

Money is your driving force, period. And you are an incredible entrepreneur. You were the kid who made thousands of dollars on summer lemonade stands. But no one else in this meeting is considering the monetary possibilities here. Take every opportunity to propose ways of making money off of other people, other institutions, etc. Be ruthless. This is a goldmine waiting to happen, people... 

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The Martyr 
The Hero

The Martyr uses sacrifices as a way to control and manipulate others. Use sacrifice to induce guilt to dominate others, such as making the sacrifice the focus of everyone’s lives. Much of your suffering is self-induced. For example, a Martyr will give up their dreams, i.e. getting a degree, having children, owning a business, etc. for the other person or people for which the sacrifice is being made. But giving up your dreams causes bitterness, resentment and anger that other people are forced to deal with. 

Heros are courageous, selfless, full of humility, patience and caring. You're willing to risk your life for the safety of others. You are quick thinking and decisive. You don't take credit for your actions. Your strong but gentle actions areintended to improve the lives of others. True heroism can amaze us, but it also often contains a component of modesty.

The Builder

Personal fulfillment for you, comes from being creative. If you're not doing work that doesn't flex your creative musical, you're both bored to death and practically useless. And satisfaction doesn't come easily as you hold yourself to an incredibly high standard. When you're supposed to be basking in the glow of a complete project, you're constantly wondering how you could've made it better. It's both a gift and a curse; it's how you're able to constantly raise the bar and improve over time. But it can be paralyzing and cause you to miss deadlines. Sometimes, you just need to set the bird free

The Warrior

There's a chip on your shoulder the size of Alaska. You hate being underestimated, sold short, and/or doubted, and anyone who does this to you becomes an instant enemy. Whenever anyone urges you to take the easy route, you turn and go the other way. To say you're ambitious would be to put it mildly. You're hungry for success and even hungrier for a good challenge. The flip side of this is the often unnecessary burden you place on yourself. Plus, your incessantly competitive nature leaves some people feeling alienated.

The Thinker

You're definitely a quiet person, but not necessarily shy. You're just more prone to getting lost in your thoughts than the other personality types. When people engage with you about your interests, however, you could talk for days. When making big decisions, you reply more on your trusty gut (does it feel right?) than on past experience. You're not one to spend a lot of time writing out a list of pros and cons - when you know, you know. 

The Protector

People trust you - they always have and you've always taken that trust seriously. This is due, in part, to your kind, thoughtful, and respectful nature. Friends, family, and sometimes even unexpected acquaintances seek you out for your signature brand of level-headed thinking and hallmark discretion, and you always try your best to oblige them. The flip side of this is that sometimes you disregard your own need in lieu of others'. Take better care of yourself!

The Diver

While others are dipping their toes in the swimming pool to check the temperature, you're just diving right in. You've never been an overly cautious person. And for you, delaying the inevitable can be downright excruciating. You're also not a traditional learner; you prefer to learn by doing rather than sitting still and being told what to do and how to do it. Experience is the best teacher and it has served you well so far. The flip side? Sometimes you'll charge head on into a situation that requires a bit of preparation and fall flat on your face. 

The Rebel

On the surface, a rebel might seem like they love to provoke and cause drama. In reality, they just love independent thinking. What a great trait to teach others! The rebel isn't easily influenced and likely respects those who think for themselves as well

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